1.14. Sunnyside Strong: Lessons from Population Health & Community Collaboration

For population health scientists, community-research partnerships are often thought of as one avenue to build equity and social justice into research by working with communities to build the tools and resources to addresses health inequities. But how can we ensure that these partnerships work effectively, and what unique opportunities does community based research offer population health? In this episode we chat with the leaders of the Sunnyside Strong Collaborative in Houston, Felicia Jackson, Family Support Services Manager at the Houston Area Urban League, Rachel Kimbro, PhD, a sociologist at Rice University, and Quianta Moore, MD, JD and a Fellow in Child Health Policy at the Baker Institute for Public Policy. This team was recently awarded IAPHS’ Community Research Partnership Award to recognize excellence in collaboration between community groups and population health researchers. Join us to unpack how this team developed an award-winning research collaboration, the lessons they learned, and where their work is going next. Learn more about Sunnyside Strong by checking out the team’s summary report.