Monthly Archives: October 2021

2.5. 2021 Annual Meeting Cast

In this very special episode of Sick Individuals/Sick Populations, we’re broadcasting live from the floor of the 2021 IAPHS Annual Meeting! Join our hosts as they chat with conference-goers about the research they’re presenting during the meeting; exciting sessions that they’ve attended so far; and their general, overall (virtual) conference experience.

2.4. The State of Work

With the federal COVID-19 unemployment relief ending, and the paradox of high rates of unemployment coupled with millions of unfilled jobs, we’re joined by Quan Mai, Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at Rutgers, to discuss the state of work in the US and across the globe. Join us as we discuss good jobs, bad jobs, and precarious-gig work. We chat about how the job market evolved historically and politically and the implications of precarious work for social inequality, adult transitions, and health.